アメリカ前大統領・バラク・オバマ氏 メールフォーム (20170730送信)


I am a japanese woman. 61 years old.

I worry how Americans think of Japan.

I made a homepage. (Japanese)
< A procedure of the proof of the history>
This resembles the investigation of the police.

False information work by China

In goods historical materials used in evidence of Nanjing Massacre,
it has an imitation.

I understood it with "the handwritten photograph"
of the diary of former soldier of
Ikuhiko Hata "Nanjing Massacre" chukoshinsho p131.


It is written by a Japanese old letter.

However, in the days of Nanjing Massacre of 1937,
the Japanese did not use such letter.

I understand that "a hand-written character" is strange at first sight.

However, the top researcher of the Japanese contemporary history said
it was genuine evidence.

And they contributed it to the people with it as a book of
the printing type of the modern letter.

Many Japanese were deceived.

However, the researcher of the issue of history recognition of Japan
plays false information.

"Yoshiaki Yoshimi" is the top expert of issue of famous comfort women.
But he does a certain question testimony clearly about the source of the document.

The group of them does not explain the grounds
that thought that the document "goods" are genuine.

And it is revealed that many people concerned were deceived in the false documents
which I should think to be strange at first sight .

It was explained that there were them in earth for eight years.
However, there is no state that soil soaked into.

This is quantity of 20,000 points as it is terrible to assume it a false document.

In addition, impossible explanation was inserted in a book
of the contemporary history of the publication last year.

Please, do not be deceived.
China is society with compulsions and threats.
 enormous victims at the time of the founding of a country,
in the Great Leap Forward policy, the time of the Cultural Revolution,
killing by the Tiananmen Square incident

It comes out with 1879 that "public execution" was abolished in Japan.
It seems to be 2007 that public execution was abolished in China.
It is different for 120 years.

Therefore the right testimony is not given .

I e-mailed this contents 3,000 people. But nobody can argue.


I am a japanese woman. 61 years old.

I worry how Americans think of Japan.

I made a homepage. (Japanese)
< A procedure of the proof of the history>
This resembles the investigation of the police.

"Historical materials criticism" (Japanese)

False information work by China
In goods historical materials used in evidence of Nanjing Massacre,
it has an imitation.

I understood it with "the handwritten photograph"
of the diary of former soldier of
Ikuhiko Hata "Nanjing Massacre" chukoshinsho p131.

It is written by a Japanese old letter.
However, in the days of Nanjing Massacre of 1937,
the Japanese did not use such letter.
I understand that "a hand-written character" is strange at first sight.
However, the top researcher of the Japanese contemporary history said
it was genuine evidence.しかし日本の現代史のトップ研究者は、

And they contributed it to the people with it as a book of
the printing type of the modern letter.そして、彼らはそれを現代文字の活字の本にして、

Many Japanese were deceived. 多くの日本人が、騙されました。

However, the researcher of the issue of history recognition of Japan
plays false information.しかし、日本の歴史認識問題の研究者は、

It is so in researchers of the issue of the comfort women.

"Yoshiaki Yoshimi" is a top expert of issue of famous comfort women.
But he does a certain question testimony clearly about the source of the document.


In addition, the group of them does not explain the grounds
that thought that the document "goods" are genuine.

また彼らのグループも、 資料「現物」が本物だと考えた根拠を、説明しません。

And it is revealed that many people concerned were deceived in the false documents
which I should think to be strange at first sight .


They seemed to be buried in soil for eight years. However, there is no state that soil soaked into.

This is quantity of 20,000 points as it is terrible to assume it a false document.

In addition, impossible explanation was inserted in a book
of the contemporary history of the publication last year.


Please,do not be deceived. 騙されないでください。

China is society with compulsions and threats.
 enormous victims at the time of the founding of a country,
in the Great Leap Forward policy, the time of the Cultural Revolution,
killing by the Tiananmen Square incident

It comes out with 1879 that "public execution" was abolished in Japan.
It seems to be 2007 that public execution was abolished in China.
It is different for 120 years.

Therefore the right testimony is not given .

I e-mailed this contents 3,000 people.

But nobody can argue.

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