Dear All of media of America


I am a japanese woman. I am 61 years old.
I am against the comfort women monument in America.

I worry how Americans think of Japan.

I made a homepage. (Japanese)
< A procedure of the proof of the history>
This resembles the investigation of the police.

"Historical materials criticism" (Japanese)

In late years "the examination method of the original or
an imitation" had disappeared from the whole history.

So I uploaded it in my homepage.

In addition, I studied how to read letter of the farmer
of the Edo era at a university.

There ware the books attracted the handwritten letters
of 180 famous people from 1860 through 1935.

I had watched these books.
So I understood an imitation immediately.

False information work by China

In goods historical materials used in evidence of Nanjing Massacre,
it has an imitation.
( 南京大虐殺の証拠として使われていた現物史料に、

I understood it with "the handwritten photograph"
of the diary of former soldier of
Ikuhiko Hata "Nanjing Massacre" chukoshinsho p131.

This is written by Japanese old letters.
However, in the days of Nanjing Massacre of 1937,
the Japanese did not use such letters.

I understand that "the hand-written characters" are strange at first sight.

However, the top researchers of the Japanese contemporary history said
it was genuine evidence. (しかし日本の現代史のトップ研究者は、

And they contributed it to the people with it as a book of
the printing type of the modern letter.

Many Japanese were deceived. (多くの日本人が、騙されました。)

However, the researchers of the issue of history recognition of Japan
plays false information. 

It is so in researchers of the issue of the comfort women.

There is a lawyer in charge of suit of the issue of comfort women.
His name is Harumi Watanabe.

He hid "a false example" and "the examination method of the original
or an imitation" in methods to investigate a historical fact.
(彼は 史実を調査する方法の内、「虚偽の例」と「真贋の検討方法」を隠しました。)

"Yoshiaki Yoshimi" is a top expert of issue of famous comfort women.
But he does a certain question testimony clearly about the source
of the document.


In addition, the group of them does not explain the grounds
that thought that the document "goods" are genuine.
(また彼らのグループも、 資料「現物」が本物だと考えた根拠を、説明しません。)

They only said that testimony and evidence existed.

And it is revealed that many people concerned were deceived
in the false documents which I should think to be strange at first sight .


China says that "they are the monthly reports" of the letters
which "the Manchurian military police" censored.

China says they ware buried in soil for eight years.
However, there is no state that soil soaked into.

This is quantity of 20,000 as it is terrible to assume it a false document.

In addition, impossible explanation was inserted in a book
of the contemporary history of the publication last year.

It was written on the book. (その本には書いてありました。)

The Japanese farmer soldiers detained by the Siberia
ware not able to go to school.

Therefore they ware not able to read characters.

However, as for the Japanese soldiers, all the members graduated from
elementary school. (しかし日本兵は、全員が小学校を卒業していました。)

Therefore all the members were able to read characters.

In addition,there are 7,000 kinds of textbooks of the beginner's class of the Edo era.

Please,do not be deceived.( 騙されないでください。)

China is society with compulsions and threats.(中国は、恐怖と圧政の国です。)
 enormous victims at the time of the founding of a country(中国建国時の多大な犠牲),
in the Great Leap Forward policy(大躍進の時),
  the time of the Cultural Revolution(文化大革命),
killing by the Tiananmen Square incident(天安門広場での殺戮)、

It comes out with 1879 that "public execution" was abolished in Japan.

It seems to be 2007 that public execution was abolished in China.
It is different for 120 years.

In China, there was a system to see people being murdered until recently.

Therefore the right testimony is not given .(だから適正な証言は得られません)

I e-mailed this contents 3,000 people.

But nobody can argue.

We must remove fear and danger and suppression.
And we must build the world of peace and freedom and mutual respect.

Please think of my email carefully.Yes, please.

Kikuyo Hisatake  (61 years old) Kanagawa in japan

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