海外メディア     (20181209送信)


Dear everyone    

About :  記事タイトル

I am a 63-years-old Japanese woman.
In the comfort women issue, serious questions are raised internationally.
It is a doubt of "the false information work" of issue of "Japanese"
comfort women experts, and it is the doubt "that China participates"
in in it.

Mr. Yoshaki Yoshimi, Mr. Harumi Watanabe are Japanese experts
on the problem of comfort women.
However they hid "How to find out if evidence is genuine". (1997)

"Comfort women's problem "(right frame)

Also, "Modern History Studies and Nanjing Incidents" Kashiwa Shobo 2006 p194,
There is an article of Yoshiaki Yoshimi.
"Setting and administration of the military comfort station before and after the Nanjing case"

Mr. Yoshimi purchased at the old book store "Watanabe Susumu Doctor Medical Captain Diary"
Here that is quoted.

In the case of Nanjing, fake works were already found before that. (The left frame on the above page),
However, Mr. Yoshimi did not consider whether the diary was genuine or not.

For that reason, he is supposed to be connected with China.

They hid the way of distinguishing fake works.
And they hid the explanation at what time falsehood will occur.

Knowing how to examine it will lead to a more appropriate discussion.

"History and Certification"
"Criticism of historical materials"

These ideas are erased from historical studies by comfort women problem experts.

Betrayal by experts is certain.

The TV program of "the intention to prove Nanjing case" on May 13,2018.
was televised.
However, it failed in first five minutes.
NNNドキュメント 2018.5.13

The explanation says.
"It is the excavation of the Japanese military data burned in 1945.
"We pulled out the buried thing while removing the soil."
Tokyo testifies so and possesses the photograph.
Ministry of Defense possesses a document.


However, it cannot be in such a condition.
The burning shell is swollen.
This would have been burned in 1996 when it was discovered.
Tokyo and Ministry of Defense tell a lie.

There are the spies working for China in Tokyo and Ministry of Defense.

About the issue of Nanjing incident and military comfort women,
It has been eight years since I pointed out the traces of "Chinese fake information crafting".

Regarding that, regarding the involvement of "Japanese top researchers"
E-mail pointing to various fields including overseas counts 6 thousands even from 2016.

"Sent list"
But there is no objection at all.

I mentioned as suspicious officials,

・ Akira Fujiwara (former army officer,
Member of the group of former military officersoffice worker member,
Former Hitotsubashi Univ. Of Society, Nanjing Case Study Members,
Former History Studies Research Committee Chairperson),

・Ikuhiko Hata (Modern Historian) ・

・Harumi Watanabe (Lawyer on Comfort Women Problem) ・
・Yoshimi Yoshiaki (Comfort women problem expert) ・

・Takashi Ito (former professor of modern history of the University of Tokyo,
   The person who made a collection of enormous documents, famous "right wing"
   Mr. Ito appreciated the "Emperor Showa monologue record" as genuine.
   Mr. Ito has an extremely great influence on researchers of the University of Tokyo modern history.)

And Tokyo Metropolitan Burial Culture Center, Ministry of Defense War History Laboratory.

(The progress of the discovery of suspicion and the point of pointing is in the contents of the sent list
at the time of page description as described below)
Currently Mr. Ito is a research adviser to the National Institute for Basic Problems.
But there are serious doubts.
It concerns "the Emperor Showa monologue record" which Mr.Ito appraised.
Book "Emperor Showa monologue record・ Hidenari Terasaki Diary" Bunsyun 1991 Income
Mr. Terasaki's handwritten diary,

Handwritten photographic version of Emperor Showa
(In-kind image dropped off at the auction by Takasu Clinic at the end of last year)

These two are things of the real another person.

In other words, Mr. Ito and its surrounding people are suspicions that
they are fake identity participants.
Including people of the doubt,
It is clear that "extremely strong democracy society attack power led
by a non-human rights nation, China" continues working.

久武喜久代  Kikuyo Hisatake   kanagawa in Japan

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