Washington Post      (20190722送信)


       How not to make China an enemy

I read "China is not an enemy"of July 3.

China's activities have brought serious anxiety to Japanese people.
It is fake information work about history recognition problem.

By the Upper House election of July 21 of Japan,
there was none of the candidates who took up
the issue of history recognition.

Probably it is for my activity.

Currently, there are serious questions on comfort women issues.

Yoshiaki Yoshimi, "Military Comfort Women", Iwanami Shinsho 1995, p5.
The documents related to comfort women were
in "Hachioji's Underground Warehouse".

Accepted by the United States, returned to Japan,

It was stored at the Defense Agency Defense Institute.  

Mr. Yoshimi taught at "Chuo University" in Hachioji.

But the people in the city are
No one knew that the comfort woman documents ware in Hachioji.

I received an answer signed by the Chief Educator of Hachioji City.

So this means the following:

Mr. Yoshimi did not check.
"How was the wartime material stored in Hachioji City?"

The following allegations have been raised to Mr. Yoshimi.

He was afraid that China's forgery would be found.
Because of that, Hachioji would not have investigated at all.

In addition, the picture of the spot where the fake is made,
It is broadcasted on TV and published on the Internet.

Nippon Television" NNN Document Nanjing Incident II" was broadcasted
on May 13, 2018.
At the beginning of it,
You can see some photos held by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education.

" NNN Document Nanjing Incident II"(First few minutes)

There is no such excavated site. The cinders are rising.
(Search by "archeology, excavation site, photograph")

I thought it was strange and I asked Tokyo.

"An answer from the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education"
(The original is signed by the person in charge)

This is not a description of the photo.  

This is,
In the Tokyo Buried Cultural Center and the Defense Ministry
of Defense Research Laboratory,
It is proof that there are people who make fakes.

  About other allegations, it is in the following my homepage.

  Questions about Material 28 "Army Education Reference Material"
by Yoshimi's book p. 36,
  Takashi Ito says the fake document is real.
  The false document was identified as an imitation in the amateurs at first
  ("Emperor Showa monologue record"Comparison of the image)

*Takashi Ito is authority of Contemporary history documents of Tokyo Universit

There are these stories. I want to have you take a look once.

I want China to become the country of the protection of human rights.
I want China to become a legal state.

I also want Americans to think about ways to reform them slowly.

I think that's a way not to make China an enemy.

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